martes, 7 de mayo de 2013

Why do I want to be a vet?

When I was a young boy, about 10 years old I wanted to be a pilot, I really liked planes, I had dreams about me, flying around all places I could imagine. I was not very much interested about animals.
Grown up I started to be more attracted by natural sciences and animal kingdom, I was very good at chemistry and biology, an I started to relate myself with animals, principally dogs and horses.
The last year of highschool was very dificult to me because I was very indecisive about what career to choose, I had many options like Biochemistry, Literature, Veterinary, Kinesiology. But finally I choosed to became a Vet because animals are stronger than anything to me (now I know it much more than those years before).
I decided to be a Veterinarian, because I have a strong feeling about animals, and  I believe that I could not have study another profesion because I think I should be very bored.
After four years studying to be a vet at this university, I created a good affection to this faculty, to my friends, classmates, teachers, assistants. It is very hard to me to choose a specialty, I like all kind of animals, even though I like more bigger animals like bovines and equines.

After graduate from this Faculty, I would like to work in a stud farm, far away from santiago, I want to run from this city.

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