martes, 14 de mayo de 2013

Webquest 2

1. Visit: Animals > Photos
Choose 2 photos that you like and say why you like them or describe them (30 words each). Post the pictures too.
1.- The marine iguana of galapagos, I like this picture because this animal looks like a dinosaur, he seems very dangeorus with his spikes and scales, his orange and black colours are great too, he looks very stylish.

2.- Two wild stallions fighting for the right to mate the mares in the herd, this is a great picture because it shows the normal behavior of the equines in his natural environment, I have never seen a herd with all his members of the same colour.

2. Visit: Video > Animals
Choose 2 videos that you like and describe each of them in about 40 words. Post their links.
1.-  Superfast flyer makes a kill

This video shows the peregrine falcon and his ingenuous method to hunt, he utilizes de dive bomb, reaching an extreme speed, his prey cannot escape. I like this video because it shows an amazing animal, the most fastest animal in the word

2.- Narwhals

I like very much this video, because I think that narwhals are very strange animals. this video reveals many secrets about the misterious tusk of the narwhal. I would like to see this animal at least once in my life, his tusk that he weild like a sword against other males narwhals.

3. Recommend any other section or subsection of the website. (40 words)
I recommend the environment section, because you can see many amazings landscapes like fire tornados, lighting storms. You can also see the facts of the global warming depict in this fotographs. Also you can find interesting articles about all kind of energy production with his benefits and problems. There are many interesting subsections that can help you to understand the currently events in the environment.

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