martes, 23 de abril de 2013

My Favorite piece of technology

I think there are many useful tecnology items, but the most of them are used to work or study. Personally my favorite piece of technology it is my ps3 ( Play Station 3),  I get this game console about 3 years ago, me and my brothers saved up the money for many years, it was a lot of effort to save that amount of money.

I like playing video games, when I was younger I used to spend many hours of the day playing, I think you can forget about the real world when you play video games, its an excellent anti-stress tool.

At this time at the career, I don`t have much time to spend playing videogames, but in any free moment I can go and play, especially when I come back tired and angry from the university.
Well, I also can see many movies in the ps3, actually I spend more time seeing movies than playing videogames in it ( I don`t have a dvd player). You can also install many programs  in its operative sistem  to customize the console and make it more useful.
I think that technology has to be a support to the daily living, but there are more important things to spend time with, like family, friends or our pets. So if the ps3 didn`t exist I think I would spend my time doing other stuff.

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