martes, 9 de abril de 2013

What´s your opinion?

What is your opinion about owning an exotic pet? 
 Exotic species belong to their natural environment, because they have not experienced as a species the taming process.  That´s why I think that having exotic animals as a pet, out of their ecosystem, is cruel for the animal.

What is your opinion about tattoos?
Personally I like tattoos, I think of them as artistic manifestation on your own body. I also think that any tattoo should have a meaning for that person. Someday I will tattoo myself but I need to find a meaning for it.

What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana?
This is a very controversial subject, my opinion about this is that there are many dangerous drugs, and has been scientifically proven that marijuana causes less damage in health than alcohol, tobacco for example. So I think it should be legalized but with a great regulation.

What is your opinion about legalizing abortion in some cases?
I support only the legalization of the therapeutic abortion, this means when the viability of the baby or the mother is really compromised, with a medical investigation behind. in any other case I don´t support abortion.

What is your opinion about same-sex marriage? 
I think that same-sex marriage should be permitted in this country because any person have the right to have this contract with anyone. but I also think that this will take long time until it happen in this country. 

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