martes, 23 de abril de 2013

My Favorite piece of technology

I think there are many useful tecnology items, but the most of them are used to work or study. Personally my favorite piece of technology it is my ps3 ( Play Station 3),  I get this game console about 3 years ago, me and my brothers saved up the money for many years, it was a lot of effort to save that amount of money.

I like playing video games, when I was younger I used to spend many hours of the day playing, I think you can forget about the real world when you play video games, its an excellent anti-stress tool.

At this time at the career, I don`t have much time to spend playing videogames, but in any free moment I can go and play, especially when I come back tired and angry from the university.
Well, I also can see many movies in the ps3, actually I spend more time seeing movies than playing videogames in it ( I don`t have a dvd player). You can also install many programs  in its operative sistem  to customize the console and make it more useful.
I think that technology has to be a support to the daily living, but there are more important things to spend time with, like family, friends or our pets. So if the ps3 didn`t exist I think I would spend my time doing other stuff.

martes, 16 de abril de 2013

CA1 (Continuos assessment 1)

 Act 01.- Go to Pets 101 > dog breed selector  > answer the dog breed questionnaire. According to the results from the questionnaire, what is your favorite dog breed's name?

Vocabulary Activity: These terms appear in the questionnaire. Look for the meanings AND add 5 more words that you don't know from the same questionnaire.

Sprinter: Velocista
Jogger: Trotador
Breed: Raza
To hunt: Cazar
Laid-back approach: Acercamiento relajado
Watchdog: Perro Guardián
Grooming: Acicalamiento

Keen: Afilado
Devote:  dedicar - dedicarse
Hierarchy: Jerarquía
Aloof: Distante
Heritage:  Herencia

Act 02.- Go to Pets 101 > dog guide > dog training > Can dogs understand what we say?
  First, read the text.
Then select 5 words you don't know and find their meaning.
Finally, write a 30-40 summary of the text

 Toddler: Bebé Mayor (1-2 años)
Ropey:  Filamentoso
Deaf:  Sordo
Pungent:  Acre
Musk: Almizcle

This text talks about how dogs  understand words, the comunication between owner and the dog, and also between another dog. Dogs do not only comunicate with barking, they also do with his posture, smell and situation.

  Act 03.- Select 3 TV shows that attract your attention. In one or two lines for each show, tell me why you would like to watch it.

1) Gator boys: because I like gators and crocodiles very much, I´ll like to learn a little more about them, their behavior, their alimentation and reproduction.

2) Monsters inside me: This show is about parasites and how they can affect to the animal and human being, it could be interesting for a veterinary student.

3) River monsters:  This show is about the greatest fishes seen in the world, they teach how to track and catch this monsters.

martes, 9 de abril de 2013

What´s your opinion?

What is your opinion about owning an exotic pet? 
 Exotic species belong to their natural environment, because they have not experienced as a species the taming process.  That´s why I think that having exotic animals as a pet, out of their ecosystem, is cruel for the animal.

What is your opinion about tattoos?
Personally I like tattoos, I think of them as artistic manifestation on your own body. I also think that any tattoo should have a meaning for that person. Someday I will tattoo myself but I need to find a meaning for it.

What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana?
This is a very controversial subject, my opinion about this is that there are many dangerous drugs, and has been scientifically proven that marijuana causes less damage in health than alcohol, tobacco for example. So I think it should be legalized but with a great regulation.

What is your opinion about legalizing abortion in some cases?
I support only the legalization of the therapeutic abortion, this means when the viability of the baby or the mother is really compromised, with a medical investigation behind. in any other case I don´t support abortion.

What is your opinion about same-sex marriage? 
I think that same-sex marriage should be permitted in this country because any person have the right to have this contract with anyone. but I also think that this will take long time until it happen in this country. 

martes, 2 de abril de 2013

Red hot chili peppers

I really like music but im not good at playing it, i just like to listen. In this chance im going to tell you about one of the most popular bands in the last time, this band is Red hot chili peppers.

The Red hots are a band of funk music. This group is compound by 4 musicians, on the guitar is John Frusciante, Flea is the bass player, Chad Smith is the drummer and Tony Kiedis is the voice of this band, Tony and Flea were the founders of this group. Flea is one of the most talented bass player in the world and John is considered a great guitar player and an studious of music.

Personally i like this band because they make songs suitable for every moment and mood state. In my experience i had never found a person that doesn´t like this band.
Give it away is one of my favorite songs because it´s a very funny song that´s suitable to any party.

I hope you enjoyed this song much as i am